The Homeless Adjunct Tour is Announced

In the last few months, the ‘Junct team – Chris LaBree and I – have traveled to NYC, D.C. (twice!) and to Chicago in order to show clips of the documentary and to give talks about the project, about adjunct/contingent faculty issues, and to raise awareness, build community, shoot additional documentary footage and interview more people. It’s been exciting, not only to experience the positive ways in which our work has been received, but to see how many voices are now being raised, how many conversations are raging about the issues of adjunct faculty labor exploitation, the break-down of the university, the corporate culture that has overtaken academia.

So here is the news I would now like to share: Chris and I are in the planning stages of a Homeless Adjunct Tour. There is much more news to follow, because we are in the earliest phases of planning.  We are hoping to be able to head out on the road a few times. The first trip, beginning the last week of May, will see us heading west from Philadelphia, to meet up with people across Pennsylvania, Ohio, and then, depending on how the route takes shape, perhaps Illinois, Indiana, and then back home, perhaps, through West Virginia. The exact route isn’t final for this first trip yet, because we are hoping to hear from people who would like to invite us to their cities, their campuses, their organizations. We are also planning two additional trips, one north from Philadelphia into New England, and one south into the southern states. We hope that more trips can follow, and it will depend on a few things – our work schedules, our success in fundraising, and the invitations we receive. Here is our hope: we will travel and speak at various locations, showing bits of our film, and shooting interviews for the next round of documentary work. We will meet with adjuncts and contingents as we travel, and speak with them, with parents and prospective college students in order to give them an honest picture of what is happening to students in colleges across the country. Finally, as an extension of a talk I gave at the Summit sponsored by the New Faculty Majority in D.C. in January, we are hoping to meet with adjuncts and students who have created activist art, creative ways of expressing the truths of the struggles of the academic untouchables. We will be creating open mic/reading events and gathering artwork as we go, with the plan being to publish and present the work online, and perhaps in published hard copy format. We would love to hear from you, and to begin to schedule our tour based on invitations and gatherings along our route west. Please email us to express interest, and we’ll go from there! We also welcome suggestions on how we might be able to create exciting events wherever we go. The momentum is building, and the awareness of what is happening in our universities is more important now than ever. As we travel, our goal is to create a network across the country that will work together in order to reclaim high-quality education, professional treatment of professors in our college classrooms. So The Homeless Adjunct Tour is gearing up to begin. Help us to make it happen! Of course, we would welcome donations, no matter how small, since we will be launching a fundraising effort to get us started. Just go to our website,, for donation information.   Thanks for all the interest and positive support we’ve received so far; it would be wonderful to have a chance to meet more of you in person.  Any questions?  Want to invite us to your city or town?  Please email us at!

UPDATE:  I apologize, because I don’t know why this is happening.  But the links I provided don’t seem to be working properly.  Instead, I provided the junctrebellion website url, and New Faculty Majority is   Sorry for the inconvenience!

About junctrebellion

'Junct Rebellion was established to raise awareness of the corporate colonization that has taken over our U.S. universities, beginning in the 1980s and growing more and more dire with each decade. Our state universities used to be free, or very low-cost; they used to employ full-time faculty; they were run by faculty for the purpose of disseminating scholarship, to fellow academics and students and to society at large. Now, stratospheric tuitions and crippling student loan debt have been normalized, 80% of faculty across the country are hired on "adjunct" contracts, usually lasting one semester at a time. Classes are designed and overseen by administrators who have never taught. Administrators outnumber both faculty and students on most campuses across the U.S. In short, our academic system has been hijacked by for-profit "business models" and corporatist values. Education is a social good and should be seen, valued and supported as such. It is not a commodity. Our students are not sacrificial lambs. Our scholars are not untouchables, to be starved out of existence. Please join us in our efforts to restore high-quality academia to American society.
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13 Responses to The Homeless Adjunct Tour is Announced

  1. VanessaVaile says:

    Aha! Now I can finally complete and send those emails to Albuquerque and Santa Fe NM groups that have been sitting in drafts just waiting for the word. Many Albuquerque adjuncts, although not organized except at CNM, are active in poetry, arts and social activist groups (which overlap too). As chance would have it, I have NM poetry, writing and arts blogs, so the tour will get plenty of space there. Maybe it will give stalled local organizing a shot in the arm.

  2. sometimes that happens when you leave something out of the link, default fallback to hosting blog. do throw me a blog link every now and again ~ that’s where ‘Junct gets the most links. Just posted tour info to Migrant Intellectual blog. You should post /repost on the Adjunct Project

  3. Pingback: The Homeless Adjunct Tour is Announced | A is for Adjunct |

  4. kim taylor brigman says:

    The Homeless Adjunct Tour seems like a hard road to travel; but one well worth it. The idea about involving activist art must have brought up your attendance and get out the word out, all in all a good start.. I agree, the more you reach, the more the word will spread. I also know that more kid’s are aware of this problem now and don’t know what to do.

    I wholeheartedly believe in your cause. What types of locations are you looking for? I may be able to help you out, I’d like to. kim

  5. Here is a proposed route, heading out to Chicago on this first trip: Pittsburgh, Youngstown,
    Akron, Cleveland, Toledo, Southbend, Gary, Chicago then back to Philadelphia, maybe dipping a little further south, into Kentucky and then West Virginia. Kim, if you have any suggestions, let me know. And Vanessa, we will have to do some fundraising in order to make a trip to the Southwest possible. But I would love for us to be able to be there. We should talk details.

  6. Please let California Part Time Faculty Association in on your Western plans. You can contact me as

    • We absolutely will, Jean. That trip will have to come after a fundraising effort, too. We’re open to any suggestions for activities, locales, groups, etc. I know how strong the activism has been in California, and you guys really deserve a lot of support and credit.

  7. CED says:

    If you make it to Toledo, how about crossing the state line to Detroit, Ypsilanti and/or Ann Arbor? Sounds like a great project all the way around.

  8. Alma Faure says:

    Excellent idea! I do hope more “juncts” will ride your wagon with their art work and other work to contribute. I’ll contact you guys at your email address.

    Cheers! (in spite of everything)

    Alma Faure (An adjunct in NYC with a story to tell)

  9. Carol A. Whipple says:

    The Kentucky Community and Technical College System(KCTCS) home office(for the whole state) is about 100 yards from my home in Versailles, KY. I have been an adjunct for three years at one of their local colleges, Bluegrass Community Technical College, based in Lexington, KY. If you think this is a good place to drop by on your tour, and you need some places to stay, I can arrange my humble(but clean and beautiful) home for you as well as some other homes, if need be.
    A well loved and respected adjunct with whom I teach had a fatal one car accident on his way home from his last final a few weeks ago. What this accident did for some of us was to reify the fact that he had been an adjunct for decades with no benefits, no life insurance with the college, no retirement and he leaves a wife(who does work) and two young adult children who still needed his support in all ways. I do not even think the college plans to do anything in his honor.
    Contact me if you are interested in stopping by Kentucky!.

  10. Homeless adjunct, we’d join you if we could ! Cheers from Japan ~

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